Bakery and pastry products have limited shelf life, especially when they are distributed and commercialised at room temperature and unpackaged. However, the packaging extends their shelf life, in many cases without the need of refrigeration.
Products for Bakeries and Pastries
Longer shelf life and better shelf appeal
Pigmea offers solutions to extend the shelf life of bakery and pastry products, also in those cases in which they are frozen. Films and complexes for flexible packaging of products such as common bread and special breads (seed, multigrain, gluten-free or nuts breads), baked goods (cakes, muffins, sponge cakes), products with icing or filling (croissants and chocolate croissants), pies, cakes and other products whose common factor is the low water activity (biscuits and pastries).
Today’s competitiveness in the shelf is huge and so, the high quality flexographic printing offered by Pigmea is a critical factor determining the success of the product. Likewise, the finish of the film is important, with metalized materials, gloss or matt; and efficient sealing, as these products contain suspended particles such as sugar, cinnamon or flour. They are available both for horizontal (Flow-Pack or lidding) or vertical machines.